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West Park School - Admission Arrangements

Year R Admissions

The Pupil Admissions Office on behalf of the Authority makes admissions to West Park School from the designated area. All children are entitled to start school full-time at the beginning of the academic year in which they will be five. However, parents may opt for their child to attend part-time until the beginning of the term in which they are five.

For a child living outside the designated area, application must be made to the Education Office for the Area which will consult with the Headteacher over the number of places available before determining the result of the application. Parents are invited to make an appointment to see the school at any time whilst in session.

Education Office (South) Pupils Admissions Office
Centenary House Durrington Lane
Worthing BN13 2QB

Tel: 03330 142 903

During the Summer Term formal meetings are arranged with parents whose children will be joining the school so that general information can be made available and parents can have the opportunity to discuss matters of interest with the Headteacher and staff. Further details on the induction programme can be found with the ‘Welcome to West Park’ booklet.

Mid-Year Admissions

Parents who wish their child to join the school mid-year should contact:

Education Office (South) Pupils Admissions Office
Centenary House Durrington Lane
Worthing BN13 2QB

Tel: 03330 142 903

This information is also available on the West Sussex website and can be accessed through the following link:

Special Support Facilities

The admission of pupils to the Special Support Facilities is arranged through the Special Educational Needs Team, County Hall, Chichester on: 03330 142903

Please see the attachments below for further information.