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RE Curriculum

At West Park, through the teaching of RE, we aim to support pupils in developing their own thinking and understanding of the world and their experience of it. We encourage curiosity, respect and celebration of different cultures and religions. Through teaching about different religions, we seek to develop children’s wider religious, theological and cultural literacy, so that they become ‘loving and courageous citizens’.

The National Association of Teachers of Religious Education (NATRE) proclaims that ‘RE makes a valuable contribution to pupils’ personal development.’ Throughout valuable class discussions in RE lessons at West Park, as well as our daily collective worship sessions focusing on Christian and British values, children are able to ask questions, make choices and develop their own spirituality, however that may look for each individual child.

The RE curriculum at West Park is built on and reflects both the community we have here, as well as our vision for the children when they leave us for their next stage of life. We strive for children to achieve academic excellence, as well as ‘let their lights shine’ through their mutual respect and understanding of people and the world around them.

For full curriculum overview please see our Policy page