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At West Park CE Primary we have a number of events through the school year that reflect our Christian foundation. Many of these follow the Anglican calendar and others are key events where children and adults can reflect on aspects of their lives, our place in our wider school family and community and how we can positively impact on others.

Harvest Festival

Each year we collect harvest food donation for Turning Tides, a local homeless charity. Our families and staff are incredibly generous, and these donations are then taken to our local foodbank where they are given to those in need. This harvest message of sharing what we have with others comes directly from the story of the loaves and fish Luke9, and the children were keen not to just do this once a year. We share the wish list of the Turning Tides foodbank with parents each term and now have a trolley in our entrance area where we collect donations all year and these are sent to the food back every half-term. In this way, our values live throughout the year and are not just for one day.


Christingle Services

Each year we have services where we celebrate Christingle and the children really enjoy making these and having the opportunity to worship either in school or at Church.  We end this busy day with a family service where families are welcome to come and celebrate Christingle together to start our Christmas season and remind ourselves of the true meaning of the light and love of Jesus.