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Reflection Areas


Each classroom has a small reflection area which are updated with the new value each term. These are updated and added to over the term. They are a place where children can come to think, reflect and pray. These area have a bible, a candle, School values, our motto, ‘Let your light shine’, a class Cross, the name and photo of the class worship leader, prayers and a plant.

They also have bible verses, poems and artefacts to engage the children in thought and prayer.

Whole School Reflection Areas

As a large school we feel it important that everyone has the opportunity to share their prayers and thoughts. We have a reflection area at the front entrance and in both halls. This means that everyone can easily access these spaces and the worship messages and themes are shared widely. 

We have a large tree where everyone can leave their message so that our community keeps that intention in their thoughts and prayers. This includes prayers and intentions from children and staff as well as some from visitors.

We have also added to this with prayer flags and interactive focus throughout the year. This space includes a range of bibles and supportive texts.