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Please take a few moments to look at our curriculum outlines. These will give you an insight into what the children will be working on during the weeks ahead.  Each year group produces a curriculum outline for the half term.

At West Park, we aim to work with all parents, carers and families in order to help develop a strong and effective partnership, and we hope that by providing some of the information mentioned on these pages we can go some way to achieving that.

 If you would like more information about our curriculum, please contact the Front Office Team, and they will refer you to the relevant member of staff.

Curriculum Statement

Our statement is a reflection of our school’s creative approach. Our intention is to plan a curriculum which is cross curricular where possible and discreetly taught when necessary. This ensures that children in our school are given opportunities to learn in cohesive blocks and ‘stick’ their learning together each year, building on previous knowledge, skills and experiences. There is this level of flexibility to ensure that effective learning takes place and teachers have the flexibility to deliver a curriculum which is both relevant and inspiring.

For more information please read our statement via the link below:

Curriculum Statement

Curriculum Outlines

YR-Spring 2 2025

Y1-Spring 2 2025

Y2 -Spring 2 2025

Y3-Spring 2 2025

Y4-Spring 2 2025

Y5-Spring 2 2025

Y6-Spring 2 2025

Overview of Curriculum by Individual Subject


Art Skills Progression

Subject on a page - ART


Subject on a Page - Computing

Design & Technology

Design Technology Knowledge & Skills Progression

Subject on a Page - DT


English Overview

Subject on a Page - Reading

Subject on a Page - Writing

We use year group booklists in school and recommend these book lists be used at home too - please see link below:

Books to read for Topics


PSHE Overview

Subject on a Page - PSHE


Please find a link to the White Rose website with a breakdown on the units being covered within each year group:

White Rose

Maths Overview

Subject on a Page - Maths

Modern Foreign Languages

Modern Foreign Languages Overview

Subject on a Page - Modern Foreign Languages


Music - Knowledge & Skills Progression

Subject on a Page - Music


PE Skills Progression

Subject on a Page - PE


RE Curriculum Overview

Subject on a Page - RE

Science, Geography and History

Science Skills Progression

Subject on a Page - Science

History Knowledge Skills Progression

Subject on a Page - History

Geography Knowledge & Skills Progression-KS2

Subject on a Page - Geography

Early Years

Communication & Language

Creative Art Dance Music

Knowledge & Understanding-Science-Geog-History-RE-MFL

Literacy Reading & Writing

Mathematics Number & Shape Space & Measure

Physical Development PE


Beach School

West Park Beach-Handbook

Below is a link to the National Curriculum Overview:

Below is a link to the National Curriculum in England Framework

Curriculum Policies

These documents can be found in the Policies section on the website.

Music at West Park

Music and singing are big parts of life at West Park Primary School! Children start singing and playing music straight away from Reception and continue to have one lesson per week throughout KS1 and termly units in KS2 throughout their time at West Park. They learn about different types of music, instruments, and musicians. Our music lessons also connect with other parts of school life, such as getting ready for shows, Christmas events, and annually hosting a performance for parents.


There are a wide range of clubs open to children across the school. Clubs that have been provided include:

  • Key Stage 2 Choir and Key Stage 1 Singers

  • Musical Theatre

  • Glee Club

  • Samba Band

  • Musical Instrument Making Club

  • EYFS Music Making Club

  • ICT Music Makers Club

Individual Music Lessons

Developing musicality at an early age is a key objective. We help children find the right instrument and enable parents to support their child’s musical development at home. Over 60 individual children currently receive music lessons at school each week, delivered by our expert team of visiting music teachers.

Current Music Teachers at West Park 

 Please contact them individually to organise a lesson.

iRock Music (Keyboard, Guitar, Drums, and Singing together as a rock band)

Paul Whiteside - Drumming Teacher -

Joy White - Brass Instrumental Teacher -

Helen Phillips - Piano Teacher - (see flyer below)

West Sussex Music    

West Sussex Music supports children across the county with music. Please get in touch with them for more high-quality instrumental and vocal lessons inside and outside school, Worthing Music Centre and county choirs and ensembles. They have subsidised instruments to hire, opportunities to perform in large-scale county events, singing and community projects, working with more than 25,000 children across the county every year.

Please contact our Music Lead, MrJacot for any more information about Music at West Park.

P.E at West Park 

P.E and all things sporty are a huge part of the curriculum diet here at West Park! We start the ball rolling… immediately in  reception by developing fundamental movement skills, developing increasingly competent, confident, and successful learners in a range of team games, dances and or other basic movements, such as jumping, throwing, and catching all the way through of KS1. As our children enter the lower phase of KS2, they start to explore a variety of skill-based drills in invasion games, patterns, and sequences in gymnastics and dance and develop hand-eye coordination in racquet sports. In the upper phase of KS2 our learners are supported to think tactically and thoughtfully in game scenarios and evaluate performances and dances of themselves and others.  

Quality Start Platinum Award 2024

We are very proud to have been awarded the Quality Start Platinum Award 2024 for our Commitment to PE, School Sport and Healthy and Active Lifestyles at Key Stage 1.

Inter House Competitions and Sports Days

In KS2 and at the end of our ‘Games Sessions’ we host Inter House Competitions for Years 3-6 half termly, providing our learners with the opportunity to apply all the learnt skills, tactics and game play to a competitive element. Children are placed into house colours and then play a round robin style of matches. At all times we encourage fair play, whilst celebrating the success of team wins, individual performances and star moments. 

Each year we host sports days in the summer term. This is a great opportunity for classes to work together to think tactically as to who competes in which event. Classes ultimately compete with each other to take home the win after 12 events (from tug of war, 50/75m sprints, hurdles etc.). However once again at all times we encourage fair play and celebrate the success of all of teams, individuals and star performances.  


West Park Primary works in partnership with organisations like the Worthing Schools Sports Association (WSSA), Brighton Albion, Windlesham House School and or The Southern Area Schools Games Organisers to provide excellent tournament and festival opportunities for a broad variety of sports. We recognise the demands of our community to provide opportunities for all our children to attend events which reflect a realistic and appropriate balance of competition. In every sporting event we attend we encourage fair play and ask our learners to think reflectively and thoughtfully no matter the outcome of the event, always encouraging and praising other schools.